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Legal notice

Responsible for the contents

Seehofstr. 56 - 58
64653 Lorsch (Germany)
Managing directors: Olaf Tünkers, André Tünkers, Christian Heyer
Telephone: +49 (0) 6251 / 592-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 6251 / 592-100

Darmstadt local court HRB 85410
Tax No.: 005 232 51847
VAT ID No.: DE 198882237

Banking details
Commerzbank Düsseldorf
BIC: COBADEFFXXX IBAN: DE38 3004 0000 0833 8840 00
Deutsche Bank Düsseldorf
BIC: DEUTDEDD304 IBAN: DE21 3007 0010 0693 7205 00

Dresdner Bank Düsseldorf

BIC: DRESDEFF300 IBAN: DE56 30080000 0318889900


Liability note

All the information and statements provided on these web pages are without engagement. EXPERT-TÜNKERS GmbH does not assume liability for the accuracy and completeness of the contents. Guarantees and assurances with a view to product properties are not provided. No legal titles are created on the basis of the contents of the web pages. Any textual errors we gain knowledge of will be corrected immediately. The contents of the web pages may not always be current, due to time-delayed updating. Please enquire with our sales department as to the effective date, technical details and availability of products. Links to other websites are not permanently monitored. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for the contents of any linked sites.

Technical implementation

Strait LogoStrait GmbH
Stadtlohner Straße 23 - 25
48691 Vreden
Telephone: +49 (0) 25 64 / 82 95-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 25 64 / 82 95-200
E-Mail: info@...